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Sunday, January 20, 2008

3 Weeks Already!

So, it has been three weeks since our little girl was born. Time has seemed to fly by! I am learning from her and vice-versa. She is eating well, sleeping a ton, and starting to try to make sense of the world around her when she is awake. She was 8.5 lbs. at birth and at her first check-up she had dropped to 7.5 lbs. This past week her weight was 7 lbs. 14 oz. so she is gaining weight, which is great! We have an appt. this week to get her passport so we can finalize plans to head to Mexico to see Daddy and his family. My mother-in-law is super excited!
Hope things are well with everyone!

Friday, January 4, 2008

One Week Old

Our beautiful baby girl is one week old! I cannot believe she has already been for an entire week. This week has been exciting, fun, scary, tiring, and nerve-racking. I am learning the ropes and learning to function on little sleep! It is so worth it, though!