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Friday, September 19, 2008

The Good Life

Life is good. We are very content and happy. My job is going well. Enrique is starting computer school in about 2 weeks. He will be studying graphic design and should be done in about 2 years. We are selling our minivan and looking to get a newer, smaller, car. Today is Friday which makes this day even better!

Gabby has been learning to enjoy Oreo cookies! :) She loves them! She started pulling herself up on the furniture and has been taking small steps to move along the furniture. Her second bottom tooth is working its way up..... Today she started doing a new thing with her eyes--she smiles and then closes her eyes real tight then opens and closes them (to play with you). It is sooooo cute!

Hope life is good for one and all. I was watching a repeat of Montel Williams today and heard some good advice: Speak without offending and learn to listen without defending. I like that!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Mexican Independence Day!

Today is Mexico's Dia de Independencia. It has been a nice, relaxing weekend leading up to the holiday today. We have been out of school since Friday and we went to Chigahuapan to visit Enrique's family this weekend. It was lot of fun--although we did get a flat tire on the way there....luckily, the police stopped to help and a friendly taxi driver, too so we got everything all figured out!

The weekend was nice. It was great seeing Enrique's family again (it has been about a month since we were there last) and we have a new nephew who we saw for the first time over the weekend! His name is Jose Manuel and is super cute! He is a big baby and mostly slept (since he is about a month old). Gabby absolutely adored him. She also really enjoyed the attention she got from, well, basically everybody! She turned on the charm and melted everybody's hearts!

Work is still going well. It has been busy and a bit of an adjustment, but really everything is on the up and up. Think good thoughts for my ma finding a job.....

Hope all is well. Can't wait to see everybody in December!
Viva Mexico!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

New Play Mat

We finally found Costco! We have been frequenting Sam's, but we finally found Costco and we found the cutest play mat for Gabby to crawl around on. She absolutely adores it! Our Columbian friend, Gabriel, is visiting from Canada and it has been nice having him here. He just loves Gabriella and we went shopping all day yesterday! School is going well...busy, but I am loving it.
Gabby is crawling like crazy and her bottom, front tooth is nearly here. We are getting our house more organized and we are loving it here!
You can see a little picture of Don Gabriel with Gabby and our little family sitting on Gabriella's new mat!
Hugs and Kisses!