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Monday, March 15, 2010


Another deadly weekend across Mexico. The Mexican drug cartel is killing people left and right. How refreshing for our family. This weekend an American consulate worker was killed in Juarez--one of the most dangerous cities in the world, and the location of the US Embassy where interviews for visas are conducted. Really? The US can't find a better place to conduct the interviews? And Enrique really can't get a visa yet? Can we please be allowed to leave and come back to Utah? Whose ass do I have to kiss to get him a visa? What do we have to agree to?
Even though we do not live on a border town, fortunately, it pretty much sucks here. I miss the suburbs. I miss my teaching job. I miss my family and friends. I miss Utah. I love my husband and father of my child, so I am forced to choose. And, here we are.
There is a march in SLC this weekend for immigration reform. If you can go, please do. If you can't please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Something has got to change to bring us home!