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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 2....and Day 3.....2 Celebrations!

So, of course, I totally forgot to blog about yesterday´s small celebration of appreciation. Yesterday was Mother´s Day here in Mexico. I woke up to a beautiful balloon and 2 pairs of new earrings! My celebration is definitely having such a loving family. I also got to talk with my cousin over the phone for about 2 hours----uninterrupted (mostly!). It was awesome! I guess that is 2 celebrations in one day! If you live far from a loved one, you know how valuable ¨connection time¨is whether it´s on the phone, skype, text messaging, or bbm!

Today´s celebration is coming home after an extremely long day (10 hours) and having dinner made already! My husband had a yummy dinner ready and waiting. Where we live in Mexico the garbage truck comes by once in a while, usually mid day, and you have to line up with your trash, then tip the driver/workers. Neither my husband or I are home during the day, so my husband gets the tedious job of loading up the trash and hauling it to the garbage dump site. I am very appreciative of all he does! What a blessing indeed!

After only 3 days of ¨counting my blessings¨I am finding it is a nice way to relax each evening. Nice to have something positive on the brain when unwinding from the day and getting ready to go to sleep!

Can´t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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