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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Seis Meses (Six Months)

Today is Gabby's six month birthday! Yeah! She is growing up so fast! She is about 15 pounds and is 27 1/2 inches long! She can roll over, lift her chest off the ground, get up on her knees, put her feet in her mouth, make a raspberry sound, make plenty of consonant sounds, and laugh and smile at everything and everybody! She is seriously the happiest child ever! It is so amazing to see her smiling face every morning when I wake up. I have never been much of a morning person, but I cannot wait to see her each morning and explore the world with her each day. She is truly a blessing and has brought so much joy to our lives!

My family and I went to get Gabby's six month pics and some family pics done earlier in the week. It went fabulously--I was a bit nervous since te appt. was for 1:00 and that is normally her nap time--but she was thrilled to be somewhere new and the photographer was making her laugh, so it all worked out!

We leave on July 13 for Mexico and her daddy couldn't be more excited! We aren't sure exactly where we will be leaving so check back here for updates and email us to keep in touch for now! It is still a bit surreal to think we are leaving so soon--I sold my car, some furniture, and am trying to figure exactly what we can squeeze into 4 suitcases (and try to figure how much that will cost!!!). Some days it seems a bit overwhelming, but it will be worth it to finally be together as a family.

Hope all is well. Please keep in touch!!!!!!
Besos (kisses)
La Familia Gonzalez

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