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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Baby Pics

Baby Gabriella is finally here! I went into labor on Friday afternoon and at 8:02 Gabriella made her appearance! She is absolutely beautiful and her dad and I are totally thrilled. I haven't slept in 24 hours (due to an adrenaline rush) and am now feeling slightly tired. I had so much support in the delivery room and made it to being dialed to 6 cm before I requested an epideral. I stil cannot believe we made something so beautiful!
See the hospital pics at:
Hope things are well with everyone!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

40 Weeks

So, still no baby! The baby must be awfully comfortable! I was having contractions (or so I thought) on Christmas Eve. Eventually they went away so it must have been Braxton Hicks.
I am dialated to a 4 and 80% effaced. The doctor was sure the baby was going to make its arrival by Christmas...but alas.....I am still pregnant! My last appointment was Dec. 26. I have been scheduled for an induction on Dec. 30 at 7:30 a.m. Ready or not....here we go! Enrique is super excited and nervous and extra nervous since he can't be here. Hopefully, we will be on webcam so he can see everything. We'll see how it all works out!
I am way nervous to get induced....the pitocin doesn't sound appealing at all. The doctor said what I really needed to do was go home and talk the baby into coming out. Enrique and I have been coaxing the baby, but still no contractions or water breakage!
Everyone wish me luck. Just think a good thought for the baby, Enrique, and I. We will post pictures soon.
Hope things are well with everyone. Happy 2008!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

T'was just before Christmas....

Still no baby Gonzalez! My last doctor's appt. was Dec. 12 and I was dialated to between a 2 and a 3 and 80% effaced....the baby's head was low and my cervix was "nice and soft". The doctor's prediction is that the baby will be here before Christmas---hold on tight!
I am just pluggin along--my prediction is I will be in labor by Dec. 17. That is Enrique's mom's birthday and our original wedding date! That would be cool!
My mom sold her house so she is getting ready to move back up to SLC! Perfect timing!
Happy Holidays--hope things are well with everybody!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

36 weeks........

So, we have four weeks to go! I cannot believe it! We are getting so excited to see our baby--we talk every night about what the baby is going to look like...I can't even imagine.
Hopefully, our hospital is going to let us webcam so my husband can see the birth live. If not, I will try to have someone on the phone with him and we will be videotaping. It is getting scary to think about....
You can see my latest belly shot and pics from my second shower! We have gotten so much stuff. I can't believe how nice people are!
Hope things are well with everyone!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Shower Power

So, my wonderful friends threw my first baby shower this past Saturday! It was wonderful. It was awesome to see all my friends, old and new, and of course, my family. I can't believe how blessed we are to have these people in our lives. We got so much great stuff--the cuteset clothes, gowns, socks, bibs, pack'n'play, stroller/carseat, high chair, blankets, toys, books! Wow! It was so neat to come home and set up the stuff. I got really excited for the baby to be here using all the goods! I also hauled everything out and set it up so Enrique could see everything when we webcamed on Sunday. He was super surprised and is even more excited. Enrique also sent a package for the baby shower that has some clothes from Canada, pictures of us, postcards, and a beautiful note.
One more shower this next Sunday. The theme is children's books, so hopefully we will be building a wonderful library for our lucky baby!
I also attended a late pregnancy class on Saturday. Good information--slightly scary because it made it all really real........
Hope things are well with everybody! :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Oh, Canada!

Okay--first off I did find out that I do have gestational diabetes. It is kind of lame, but can be controlled and I have been working hard to keep it all under control. I check my blood sugar four times a day, watch what I eat, and try to exercise. So, no worries.
Next, I just got back from the most fantastic vacation to Montreal, Quebec Canada to visit my hubby. My friend George came along and we all had a blast! We stayed in the cutest little hotel, practiced our French, and took the metro all around. We saw Old Montreal, a halloween expo, a 3-D IMAX show, and did some shopping. It was awesome. The hardest part(of course) was saying goodbye and knowing that the next time I see Enrique (in February) he will be a dad! He is soooooo excited and cannot wait for us to be together as a family. I am so lucky to have such a dedicated husband who will do whatever it takes (like stay in Canada to work for a bit)so that we can the means to make our move to Reynosa, Mexico.
Hope all is well with everyone!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Results Almost In...

So my results came back a bit abnormal on the first gestational diabetes test. This past Friday I spent 4 lovely hours in the lab going through the 3 hour glucose test. You fast the night before, they prick your finger to take your blood sugar that morning, then the give you the lovely drink (this time it is red rather than orange). Then they draw your blood and set a timer. You wait in the waiting room and every hour on the hour they draw your blood again. I should know the results Monday or Tuesday. Hopefully all will be well!
Friday was also my Rhogam shot (for the Rh factor). The shot was given in my hip and it hurt! It made me all sore.....between that and the bruising on my arms from all the blood withdrawls......I have had enough testing!!!!
Hope things are well with everybody!
My baby shower is Nov. 10 at 3:00. You should be getting an invite soon!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Belly Shot 2!

Here is latest belly shot. I grew 6 cm. during the last month. I was 23 cm. last check-up and at the doc's (Oct. 2) I measured 29 cm. The doc was a bit concerned with the sudden growth so I went in Saturday to take the gestational diabetes test. I also had to have some blood drawn because I have the Rh Negative factor. The blood test tells the doc whether or not I have built up antibodies to fight off positive blood. If the baby is born with positive blood and our blood mixes it can be quite dangerous. So, if I haven't already built up antibodies, I will get a shot this week and then again during delivery!
183 days over..only 7 more until we can meet our little bundle of joy.......the countdown soon begins!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fetal Fotos

Here are the latests pics. I am about 25 weeks along now and my cousin and I stopped at Fetal Foto and got some pics and a video done! The tech had a lot of fun taking the pics as the baby was very active and doing some cute poses (mostly trying to hide its face!)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Baby, Oh. Baby

Well today was my sixth month check-up. The doctor went over the results of the ultrasound (from the previous visit) and all looks well! My belly is growing and measured 23 cm. today. The doctor also informed me that the ultrasound is predicting a due date of....get this... December 25, so (as the doc put it) I am due at an "interesting time" because it could be Christmas or New Year's----or somewhere in between (well obviously)!
Enrique (my hubby) is currently in Canada visiting some friends and checking the area our as we may migrate there one day. Nothing new on the Visa homefront so keep prayin or sending good thoughts our way! He is super excited for the baby and he talks to the baby every night (through the phone).
I am currently making mashed potatoes for the very first time so I had better go check on the potatoes.
Hope all is well with everybody!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Today was our first ultrasound. Two eyes, two legs, two feet, two arms, beating heart, full spine....so far so good. We did not find out the gender....the heartbeat was 153 bpm....take a guess!!! My friend videotaped part of the appointment but the room we did the ultrasound in did not have a recording device so the actual ultrasound is not on tape. Only photos--and they turned out great! It seems very real now that we created a human life. I was in awe during the entire appointment. It was amazing to see the baby moving around and flailing it's arms about. In six weeks or so I may take a visit to the local FetalFotos....
Check out the video of the doctor's visit after the ultrasound on YouTube

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Baby

So...with my husband still down in Mexico our next big life task is to raise a child. Yep. I am almost 20 weeks pregnant! We heard the heartbeat together while I was in Mexico during the summer and on Aug. 7 is the ultrasound! We are not going to find out the sex of the baby....just want to make sure the baby is healthy and such.
Since we are having a hard time getting my husband's visa to the U.S. I am either moving to Mexico (Reynossa) next June (and will hopefully teach on the U.S. side) or we may try to immigrate to Canada so that we can all be together! Wish us luck......

Thursday, July 5, 2007

June 9, 2007

We are finally married! The Gonzalez Family. Wow! The day was so perfect. It rained all morning, but cleared up and the day was beautiful. Thank you to everyone who came! Gracias por venir!

Friday, May 25, 2007


Well I guess I have officially set this thing up! Thanks Heather for inspiring me!