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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Results Almost In...

So my results came back a bit abnormal on the first gestational diabetes test. This past Friday I spent 4 lovely hours in the lab going through the 3 hour glucose test. You fast the night before, they prick your finger to take your blood sugar that morning, then the give you the lovely drink (this time it is red rather than orange). Then they draw your blood and set a timer. You wait in the waiting room and every hour on the hour they draw your blood again. I should know the results Monday or Tuesday. Hopefully all will be well!
Friday was also my Rhogam shot (for the Rh factor). The shot was given in my hip and it hurt! It made me all sore.....between that and the bruising on my arms from all the blood withdrawls......I have had enough testing!!!!
Hope things are well with everybody!
My baby shower is Nov. 10 at 3:00. You should be getting an invite soon!

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