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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Belly Shot 2!

Here is latest belly shot. I grew 6 cm. during the last month. I was 23 cm. last check-up and at the doc's (Oct. 2) I measured 29 cm. The doc was a bit concerned with the sudden growth so I went in Saturday to take the gestational diabetes test. I also had to have some blood drawn because I have the Rh Negative factor. The blood test tells the doc whether or not I have built up antibodies to fight off positive blood. If the baby is born with positive blood and our blood mixes it can be quite dangerous. So, if I haven't already built up antibodies, I will get a shot this week and then again during delivery!
183 days over..only 7 more until we can meet our little bundle of joy.......the countdown soon begins!!!!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Hey it's only 76 days! I was a little confused...