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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November Already??

I cannot believe that we already in mid-November! It is so crazy how time flies by! We have been busy picking out Gabby's Christmas presents, planning her 2nd birthday party, celebrating Thanksgiving with our friends here in Mexico, putting up the Christmas tree, and enjoying each other. Gabby is working on potty training and she talks up a storm!

The holiday season really brings on the homesickness. These are the times where I wish we could at least go back to Utah for a visit as a family. I still think it is unfair that Enrique can't get his visa right now. If I just knew the right people... :) An ambassador maybe....congressman???? Consulate officer?? :) Oh well! Here we are! Hoping some of my family and friends can come down and visit us for the holiday season!

Work is going well. I had given some professional development classes to a group of English teachers down here. We started the sessions last spring and finished them up this fall. The teachers really enjoyed them and I enjoyed teaching adults! That was first for me! I learned a lot and it really pushed me to remember to incorporate the programs that I have been trained in into my everyday teaching. A different school contacted me this week hoping to take some classes from me! Yeah! I have also been thinking alot and jotting down ideas for creating a teaching handbook for Writer's Workshop. There aren't a lot of teaching aids down here, so let's see where I can go with this idea!

Enrique is still daddy of the year! He and Gabby have a blast during the days and Gabby really enjoys getting out of the house. Enrique is taking steps to start a lunch catering business down here. He loves cooking Chinese food and he's ready to do something with his cooking flair!

We have been realizing these past few months how fortunate we really are. I had a great opportunity to come down to Mexico and work, Enrique has had a chance to stay home and take a very active role in the raising of our daughter, and best of all we are all together. Things aren't going as we planned (with having to live down here), but here we are and we're going to make the best of it! We still talk regularly about trying to migrate up to Canada. Seems like it would be more like how I envisioned our life in the U.S. I don't know if it the country of Mexico that depresses me at times, or if it is being in the big city. I am certainly not used to being in such a large, congested, busy, polluted, dirty place.

Sometimes I think that if we were rich life would be much better down here. Then I think about the children I teach. Most of them are rich and I have already had two conferences this year with parents who are in the midst of a divorce. That hits home with me. Money isn't always the answer....it's a band-aid.

I will never stop wishing for a visa to come through. I do want to Gabby to experience life in the U.S. and I hope that our family can be there together.

Hope life is treating you well.

Friday, November 6, 2009

And These Are The Days of Our Lives...

Wow! Time has FLOWN by and we haven't been blogging! Facebook has been consuming my life....so easy to put up pics and video that I've forgotten all about our blog!

Since it's November and the time of year where we heavily reflect on that for which we are grateful, I thought I'd take a minute and blog about what I am grateful for.

First, I am SO grateful for my awesome husband and spirited daughter. They are the highlight of my life and make me want to work as hard as possible so we have a great life. Enrique is my partner and I couldn't accomplish all that I do professionally, without him. He takes such good care of our baby girl and I can't imagine anyone else who would be so great to me! Gabriella is a total delight and joy. She has the best smile and laugh and is so social! She loves talking to people and making them laugh! I cannot believe everything she learns and how quickly she learns it!

As much as I have had a difficult time this year being away from family and friends, I really am grateful for the opportunity we've had to live in one of the largest cities in the world! I have really come to appreciate the diversity here and the cultural experiences. I now highly enjoy sushi, tacos al pastor, and Chai tea. Weird how I had to move to a new country to step out and try some new things!

I am also very grateful for my family and friends back in Utah. Being able to keep in touch with them via the internet really makes the distance seem less vast. I love catching up and hearing from everybody!

My job is another thing I am thankful for. I really do enjoy where I work and my students are awesome! I have been given quite a few extra opportunities this year to teach English teachers and develop myself professionally. It's kind of exciting to think of what could come in the next year or two....

You know back when Enrique's visa was denied I thought my world was over. I couldn't imagine moving away from Utah..even less to Mexico City! I didn't know how we could make ends meet and keep our house in Utah, but here we are! It hasn't been easy, but it has been an eventful, fun, eye-opening year. The best is yet to come!