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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dat 22

Today is gave the teacher´s course. We talked about cooperative learning, the writing process, the 6+1 traits of writing, and writing workshops. The class was perfect. Teachers were participating, asking questions, and most of all, they seemed to enjoy the class. I always dread giving the classes and in the end they always turn out great! I am proud of myself and proud to share the tricks of my trade! I haven´t been teaching too long, but I´m glad I am able to bring new ideas to teachers in Mexico.

Giving the classes also helps me get re-energized and helps me remember that I do LOVE teaching! This is the time of year I, and maybe other teachers out there too, get totally burned out. Now, I hope I have enough juice to finish out the school year strong!

What accomplishments are you proud of today?

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