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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 5--Good Friends

Today´s small celebration is all about my network of friends here in Mexico City! We had our Teacher´s Day celebration (provided by our school) today and it was so fun! The lunch was delicious, ambiance was fantastic, and the company was even better! I truly enjoy spending time with my co-workers (lucky for me, they also happen to be my good friends). Surprisingly enough, I don´t think we said two words about school! We did, however, talk about EVERYTHING else! It was such a nice, relaxing afternoon!

It is easy to sometimes take the people you see everyday for granted. It is nice to see them out of the normal realm. In our cases, it´s nice to remember that we are all people besides just being teachers. We all have lives outside of school and it´s nice to catch-up! I, once again, feel very blessed today. I lucked out working at the school I work at and am very lucky to have my teaching staff! They make my job more enjoyable, enrich the lives of the students we work with, and they also enrich my personal life.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I"m really enjoying your celebrations. Thanks for sharing them. :) It helps me remember all the good things I have to be thankful for.